Friday, June 26, 2015


Following on from the launch last month of Felix and Flip's first story adventure comes this exciting resource pack for schools.
"The pack provides teachers and school staff with up to date knowledge, skills and confidence to plan a comprehensive and informative first aid programme for children that can be delivered flexibly in a variety of ways. These include a series of short sessions, workshops and activities and also includes a mixture of theoretical and practical elements. It is aimed at children across Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 and supports a variety of learners including those whose attainment is significantly above the expected standard and those who have low levels of prior attainment."
More information can be found on the First Aid Friends site, where teachers can buy the books and pack directly.

For me it was another wonderful opportunity to design and illustrate some stimulating lesson plans and exciting, fun games and puzzles.
Please feel free to click and enlarge these images but remember that they are strictly copyright. ©

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Sometimes, for one reason or another, the illustration work I produce never finds it's way into print.
Schedules change, other ideas are brought to bear on a project and the emphasis shifts. Such changes occurred on my 3rd job for Harvester restaurants. I'd designed and illustrated the children's menu pages before and was getting stuck into this fun underwater scene depicting Harvey snorkelling.
Actually I'd just about finished the whole job when it was decided by the client that they really needed a sight seeing, travelling Harvey showing him on a tourist map of the UK.
So getting paid twice is obviously a great outcome, but it still feels like a lot of effort wasted and a great pity that this treasure chest crossword puzzle and the colouring in fish and seahorse game have not yet been seen by any eager kids.
Can YOU spot the one crab different from all the others?
The new job was also fun to do but this time had to be raced through to try and meet the sinking deadline. I'll post that outcome shortly.
Please feel free to click and enlarge these images but remember they are all strictly copyright. ©

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