Wednesday, October 02, 2013


What a great job this was to work on. Magic Forest will be an online game and since it has not been fully released yet I can't show more.
There are many more pieces of artwork in this set and hopefully more sets to follow.
The tree was illustrated in an afternoon and owes a lot of hard work saved - to Photoshop's custom brushes.
I created brushes for 'creeping vegetation' as well as ivy, leaves and flowers.
Parts like the steps, door, trunk etc were all painstakingly illustrated but the vegetation was more or less 'brushed on' magically.
The tree scene has inspired a few Picture Book ideas, and maybe even an App.
Imagine clicking on the door and finding steps up, and steps down!
Which would you choose, and where do they lead?
Watch this space!
Please click on an image to enlarge it but remember they are all strictly copyright. ©

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