Imagine reading this just ten yesrs ago. You'd have people thinking along the lines of door to door decorating deliveries!
Things have quietened off a little here at Hot Frog towers.
All those juicy jobs I had to turn down over the crazy summer are now just distant possibilities.
This has given me time to catch up on some self promotion, some serious planning for my next picture book idea and to add to my collection of graphics that can be downloaded to your mobile (mainly in the States).
I probably have something like 60 designs flitting around in the aether (shows my age), and each time that one lands on the pink, sparkly mobile screen of some celeb obsessed teenage girl in Massachusetts, it registers a cent or two into my coffers. I like the idea of the pixels leaving my computer and beaming down, Star Trek like, to some other place on the planet.
Here you see eight graphics featuring cosmic chickens, cosmic chimps and rainbow giraffes.
I'd like to see one on the new Apple iPhones, that would be something.
Please click on an image to supersize it and remember that all images are strictly copyright :© )

Imagine reading this just ten yesrs ago. You'd have people thinking along the lines of door to door decorating deliveries!
Things have quietened off a little here at Hot Frog towers.
All those juicy jobs I had to turn down over the crazy summer are now just distant possibilities.
This has given me time to catch up on some self promotion, some serious planning for my next picture book idea and to add to my collection of graphics that can be downloaded to your mobile (mainly in the States).
I probably have something like 60 designs flitting around in the aether (shows my age), and each time that one lands on the pink, sparkly mobile screen of some celeb obsessed teenage girl in Massachusetts, it registers a cent or two into my coffers. I like the idea of the pixels leaving my computer and beaming down, Star Trek like, to some other place on the planet.
Here you see eight graphics featuring cosmic chickens, cosmic chimps and rainbow giraffes.
I'd like to see one on the new Apple iPhones, that would be something.
Please click on an image to supersize it and remember that all images are strictly copyright :© )
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