Fruit is one of the most requested illustration commissions that I'm asked to produce. I've mentioned before how I could almost make a living from just this subject matter.
I've illustrated 4 different treasure chests that I can think of, numerous dog and cat characters but the one image that has been requested more than any other, is, not surprisingly - Father Christmas.
I've just had a trawl through a few Hard Disk archives and come up with this handful that I've illustrated and adapted over the last few decades.
Shown here are Santa's from Kit Kat wrappers, chocolate cookie packs, beer clips and chocolate bars. Santas from 3D fold-out greetings cards.
There's even a 6 foot free standing Santa (with the alarm clock) for Powerhouse Electricals. Toblerone musical Santa's and Santa from a special magic trick pack.
The Santa below is from a children's cd cover.
Santa is in bed (Morecombe and Wise style) with Matthew Walker of eponimous christmas puddings and below that is a beer label 'Santa's Secret'.
Fruit is one of the most requested illustration commissions that I'm asked to produce. I've mentioned before how I could almost make a living from just this subject matter.
I've illustrated 4 different treasure chests that I can think of, numerous dog and cat characters but the one image that has been requested more than any other, is, not surprisingly - Father Christmas.
I've just had a trawl through a few Hard Disk archives and come up with this handful that I've illustrated and adapted over the last few decades.
There are many many more, especially airbrushed greetings cards from the days before the Mac.
But hopefully you'll enjoy looking through these whilst I wish you the very best Christmas and a very Happy New Year.
all images are copyright. ©
Labels: father christmas, santa claus